Thursday, December 31, 2009

Scientology 2009 - The Year in Review

This has been an amazing year for Scientology. In fact it has been the greatest year of expansion in the religion's 59 year history (if you start from the publication of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health).

I won't repeat all the great wins here, I'll just link to places where other people are talking about it:

- David Miscavige presents 2009 for the Church of Scientology
- Church of Scientology: 2009 the best year ever
- All Scientology and Dianetics Materials have now been fully restored!
- Church of Scientology Announces Biggest Expansion in Scientology History

And as a special bonus, just to round out the year:

- The Church of Scientology Recognized as Public Benefit Charity in Spain

Have a Happy New Year!


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Scientology: How did you come to adopt the religion you practice?

I came across Scientology when I was at University. I read the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, took a basic course and found that it worked.

It was a course in Communication and it got rid of about 50% of my intense shyness. That wasn't the purpose of the course, it was just a side-effect.

The purpose of the course was to improve my ability to communicate with others and it sure accomplished that. So I decided to try other courses and I found that they delivered what they promised too and I continued from there.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Scientology: Have you always belonged to this religion?

No. I was raised in the Christian faith. I went to Sunday School as a kid. You'd probably call the church Protestant. My mother was into it, my father didn't really care and by the time I hit fourteen or fifteen I was an atheist. The whole religion thing made no sense to me. I wanted proof. I wasn't into faith and belief.

So when I came across Scientology, I carefully ignored the fact that the organization was called the "Church of Scientology". A church was something I was not interested in being part of. But the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health made sense to me and I wanted to know more so ... onto the next question.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Scientology: What happens in a typical church service? (5)

Yesterday I watched a really nice Christmas movie called The Preacher's Wife. Some of the movie takes place inside a Christian church and you see church services with a preacher who is inspirational and a congregation who joins in with "praise the lord" and "hallelujah", etc. As I was watching I thought about the Scientology Sunday Service and how different it is from that.

Some Scientology haters have portrayed the Scientology Sunday Service as a sham and other Scientology Church Services as window dressing.

So I thought, after seeing that movie, that I'd put in my two cents worth.

First of all, naming ceremonies, marriages and memorials are most definitely not window dressing. They are very important events and are treated that way. The Scientology ceremonies I've attended tend to be less serious than similar ceremonies I've attended in other, more traditional, churches. For example, at my mother's funeral at a very stuffy traditional church the minister talked about God all the time and my mother hardly got a mention.

I think the Scientology ceremonies are less serious because they are very much focused on the person or persons the ceremony concerns rather than on a deity. Also memorials are lighter because we know the person is coming back and so it's not such a heavy loss.

Now let's look at the Sunday Service. If you compare a Scientology Sunday Service to the one shown in "The Preacher's Wife", then the Scientology Sunday Services I've attended are very tame indeed. My take on this is that it is because Scientology is a religion of wisdom. It's main services are training people in that wisdom and then getting them to use that wisdom in their lives. It's a more analytical than emotional religion. So it follows that our Sunday Services, not being geared toward worship, would look quieter and more reserved, and because, as I said in my earlier article, most Scientologists will have been attending services most nights or days of the prior week, so they are less likely to feel the need to attend an additional service on Sunday.

As Scientology continues to expand, Sunday Service may morph into something bigger and more boisterous, or the fact that Scientology is open to people of all religions may mean that people who like a more lively service may simply continue to go to their traditional churches.

Personally I think having both the analytical side (as in Scientology) and the emotional side (as in, for example, a Baptist church) is a great combination: that way you get the best of both worlds.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Scientology: What happens in a typical church service? (4)

We also have what you might think of as a "traditional" service on a Sunday where there is a reading from the writings of L. Ron Hubbard that is usually something applicable to the lives of those attending. There can be other things at the service, such as group auditing (auditing delivered to more than one person at a time also called "Group Processing") and live music. Other than the reading there are no set rules.

Sunday Service is not as big a deal in Scientology as in other western religions, but that is because we go to our church much more often than just on Sunday. As you read in my earlier articles on Scientology Training and Scientology Auditing, these are the "big two" and a person might be on course five evenings a week, so they might not attend the Sunday Service. But if you are not on course or getting auditing, then Sunday Service can be a nice thing to attend for the sense of community it gives.

There are also Scientology ceremonies that mark major points in life such as naming ceremonies (what you'd call christenings), marriages and memorials (funerals). Also other events are celebrated such as minister ordination.

One can also go to the Chaplain for help on personal matters or if one has a dispute with another Scientologist, marriage problems, etc.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Scientology: What happens in a typical church service? (3)

Scientology Training consists of courses that train you in how to help others, primarily by leaning how to audit. There are training courses in other areas of life too.

The way the training is delivered is different to what you are used to based on how you are taught in school or college. For 3,000 or more years teaching has basically consisted of a teacher or instructor standing up in front of a group of students telling them about a subject. When printing came along books were added in and now the teacher had you read a book as well as watch him lecture.

Scientology training does not follow this old method. When you start a course you get the written materials and you get a thing called a checksheet, which is a list of things to study and do which will end up with you understanding and being able to apply what you studied.

So, for example, you study an article on personal relationships then you write an essay on what you learned and how you could use it, then you will do a practical exercise to gain skill with using what you learned.

There is a course supervisor who is there to help you understand and apply the materials, but he or she isn't an instructor or a teacher. Instead he is an expert in study and the barriers you hit when you study.

By the end of the course, you not only know the data you studied, but you can use it too. (Which is what Scientology is all about - application.)

One big advantage with this method over the traditional method of teaching is that each student gets to go along at their own pace, so faster students are not held up by slower students, and the slower students don't feel they are holding others back.

So that's training.

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Happy Merry and a Merry Happy to All

Well today is Christmas day in the Christian world and has other significance for other religions.

It's not a special day as such in Scientology, but because Scientology is all-denominational (meaning you can be a member of any religion and also a Scientologist) we get to celebrate it anyway.

I'm right now listening to some rockin' Christmas music: Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Lost Christmas Eve and I realize that the great thing about Christmas is that it's a celebration of existence and a time when we try to be nice to each other (good will to all men, etc.).

Well, here is a radical idea, why not be nice to each other all year round? I know people say that every year, but let's just try it. Let's make 2010 a year of tolerance and good will.

What do you think?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Scientology: What happens in a typical church service? (2)

The next part of my answer is this:

The major services of a Scientology Church are called "Auditing" and "Training".

Scientology Auditing is one-on-one spiritual counselling. It consists of very specific and exact procedures aimed at helping an individual attain higher spiritual levels. The goal of auditing is to restore individuality and ability. This is accomplished by (1) helping the individual rid himself of any disabilities and (2) increasing individual abilities. Obviously, both are necessary for an individual to achieve full potential.

It is difficult to compare it to practices in other religions, because it is not like anything I've ever come across anywhere else. There are hundreds of different procedures (called "processes") arranged in a very specific order. For example, one set of processes is aimed at achieving "The ability to communicate freely with anyone on any subject" another set achieve "Freedom from the hostilities and sufferings of life." One of the major goals is called the "State of Clear" which is a person who is self-determined and no longer the effect of his past and the traumas of his past.

Here is a video that gives a basic introduction to Scientology Auditing:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Scientology: Questions from a student

I recently received a request from a student to answer a set of questions her professor had set. I thought that maybe the questions and their answers might be of interest to many of my blog readers, so I have taken my original answers to her (which I had to come up with very quickly) and expanded them.

I'll be posting the expanded answers in the next few blog posts.

Thanks to Stephanie and her professor for the original questions.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Spirit of the Season

Here is something to help you get into the spirit of the holiday season. It's from the Church of Scientology, Mission of Seattle blog: A Mid-Holiday Season Pick-Me-Up!

Splurge on it!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Scientology and Human Rights

Eric asked: I notice that Scientology makes a big deal out of human rights, although I don't know what LRH or Scientology itself has to say on the matter of human rights.

To be even more specific, does Scientology assert that humans have inherent rights (and if so, what are they as understood by Scientology?), or do Scientologists simply endorse and stand by the established legal understanding of human rights, i.e. the Universal Declaration on Human Rights?

Thanks for any clarification you can give on this matter.

Hey Eric,

Great question. There are multiple answers:

Why do we "make a big deal out of human rights"?

Scientologists and the Church of Scientology make a big deal of human rights because you can't help individuals to become more spiritually free in an oppressive society. For example, if a person can be imprisoned without trial then people will be walking around with this threat hanging over their heads and just won't be able to put their attention onto the spiritual trauma underlying their current condition.

It's like you have a guy sitting with a boa constrictor wrapped around him about to swallow him and you ask him to recall a time he was happy - it isn't going to work. You have to handle the boa constrictor first.

This applies to almost every human right in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. If conditions such as discrimination, slavery, inequality, imprisonment without trial, torture, no asylum, no freedom of thought, etc. are prevalent in a society then spiritual improvement will be either very difficult or impossible.

Aside from the spiritual side, life is much harder to lead in all areas without these rights. No one but a totalitarian could object to human rights.

Between the mid-1960s and early 1980s, following a geopolitical study of what most plagues this world, L. Ron Hubbard wrote a series of essays on the "cultural inadequacies" of the late twentieth century. In these articles he mentions human rights a great deal and covers why they are so important.

Does Scientology assert that humans have inherent rights (and if so, what are they as understood by Scientology?)

Specific human rights that are regarded as inherent are mentioned in the Creed of the Church of Scientology.

For example:
- That all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others;
- That all men have inalienable rights to their own defense;

Do Scientologists endorse and stand by the established legal understanding of human rights, i.e. the Universal Declaration on Human Rights?


Scientologists and the International Association of Scientologists support and sponsor a huge human rights educational program that is aimed at making the Universal Declaration of Human Rights known to people all over the world so that human rights become a reality rather than just an idea or theory.

-Youth for Human Rights
-United for Human Rights
-Human Rights Public Service Announcements (Videos)
-What are Human Rights? (Video)

I hope that answers your questions.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Monday, December 07, 2009

Helping Kids stay off Drugs

The Church of Scientology of Los Angeles was where the Drug Free Marshals program started, 16 years ago. Since then the program has activated young people of all backgrounds, faiths and ethnicities in pledging to live drug-free lives and helping their friends and families do the same.

And the program is still going strong: Church of Scientology of Los Angeles Youth Help Kids Say No to Drugs

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Helping Kenya

A guy I know has just gone to Kenya to deliver a week long training session to Scout Leaders. The whole purpose of the training is to give them tools to help them deal with a changing society in their country.

Here is more about it: Scientology Volunteer Minister Returns to Kenya

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Scientology and Abortion

The other day, in the real world, someone asked me what was the Church of Scientology's position on abortion.

I didn't have a ready answer because I don't think the Church has one. I've never heard it mentioned because it's one of those things that is up to the individual, and the Church doesn't interfere with individual choices in such things.

I would assume that staying out of this area is covered by the "Second Dynamic Rules" policy where L. Ron Hubbard says "It has never been any part of my plans to regulate or attempt to regulate the private lives of individuals." (I mentioned this policy recently in the post "Scientology and Homosexuality".)

So I guess the answer is: "It's up to the individual."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Harmony of Religion

I just got the new album by Epica (Epica: Design Your Universe).

So what? You say, what has that got to do with Scientology? Let me explain:

When I first listened to this album I was wondering if these guys were Scientologists. The lyrics I could hear and some of the song titles sounded very Scientological to me.

For example: From the song "Unleashed":
"I'll exist again
No more lost endeavors
Nothing to contend
When I'm free"
So I hunted down the lyrics and read them. (Great lyrics by the way). Once I found the lyrics, I discovered why I thought they sounded Scientological: they are from Buddhist and Hindu philosophy, so no wonder they speak to a Scientologist. (In case you didn't know, the Buddhist and Hindu religions are ancestors of Scientology.)

Anyway, the album is great. The genre is gothic metal (that's metal with a classical vibe, this album includes orchestra and operatic chorus). I highly recommend it.

I like complex, fast and loud music and this is certainly that. But it is tempered with quiet pieces such as "Tides of Time" and "White Waters", but even when the album is loud it never drowns out the music or the vocals. And, the lead vocalist, Simone Simons, has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard, the album is worth it just to hear her sing.

Anyway, it just showed me how much people of different religions can end up in harmony.

I'll leave you with this from the song "Design Your Universe":
"Don't forget you're able to
Design your own universe"


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Article From Australia

When disaster strikes, Scientology Volunteer Ministers are on the scene and helping as quickly as possible, but they don't stop there. Months after a disaster, you will still find them working with the survivors, helping them recover from the trauma of what happened. Here is one such story:

Australian Scientology Volunteer Uses Dianetics to Help Samoan Hero Recover from the Ravages of Disaster

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Links about Anonymous

I just found a bunch of links to data on Anonymous and their attacks on the Epilepsy Foundation, the Australian Prime Minister and more.

Attack on Scientology Website Sends New Jersey Man to Jail on Felony Charges


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Christmas comes to Hollywood

Winter Wonderland on Hollywood Blvd has become a Hollywood Christmas tradition and this year the 60ft Douglas fir that is the centerpiece for all the fun was actually planted in 1983, the year that Winter Wonderland began.

For the full story click here:

60ft Christmas Tree Arrives at L. Ron Hubbard's Winter Wonderland for the 26th Consecutive Year

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Jail for Anonymous Member

A not so anonymous member of the Internet hate group that calls itself Anonymous was sentenced to a year in jail for his part in attacks on Church of Scientology web sites in Jan 2008. You can read more here: Attack on Scientology Website Sends New Jersey Man to Jail on Felony Charges.

The article includes the following data about who else Anonymous has attacked:
Anonymous is an underground hate group that, in addition to the cyber attack, targeted Churches of Scientology and members with death threats, bomb threats and fake anthrax mail. In addition to Scientology Churches and the Prime Minister of Australia , Anonymous has also targeted The Epilepsy Foundation, hip-hop music websites and others.
Anonymous is a nasty bunch of people, but they are being caught and justice is occurring.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Scientology and Drugs - Attitudes and Rules

Eric asked: I know Scientology opposes the drugging of society, but I am unclear as to precisely what extent it stands in opposition to drug consumption, i.e. absolute opposition vs. nuanced opposition.

What, if anything, does Scientology have to say, for example, about "moderate" caffeine and/or alcohol consumption? Are Scientologists discouraged from drinking beer and caffeinated soda?

Hey Eric,

Great question.

The Church does its utmost to not interfere in people's lives. So there are no rules about what you can and can't do regarding drugs - other than the usual laws of the land.

It has been found that certain drugs affect Scientology Auditing, so there are rules about how long you have to wait after (for example) drinking a beer or taking a painkiller before you can get auditing.

The church policy about physical illness is that you should go to a competent practitioner in that field: e.g., an MD, a chiropractor, a nutritionist, etc. At that point it's up to the practitioner.

As to attitudes of Scientologists to drugs, there are some survey results here: Use Of Drugs/Alcohol.

The following data on attitudes to drugs is from my own experience and observations.

Illegal drugs: They are illegal, so we don't touch them.

Legal drugs that have been proven to be safe: if you need a drug because of a medical situation and it has been prescribed by a competent practitioner then you should take it. Ditto for over-the-counter stuff.

Scientologists are individuals. Most that I know are very careful about drugs and we have workable alternatives to them. For example, I'd say a Scientologist was less likely to take a painkiller for the pain from an injury than your average Joe, because we have alternative, very workable methods of handling pain (See Scientology Assists). But if you need a medical drug and it's the usual thing to take then you take it.

Here is an example: a friend of mine had a burst appendix. It was pretty severe and she needed a major operation to handle the peritonitis caused by it (she still has a 6 inch scar from this operation). After the operation she was put on Vicodin for the post-op pain - a powerful and potentially addictive painkiller. As soon as I could, I gave her a course of Scientology Assists and next day she didn't need the Vicodin anymore, she was able to go down to aspirin. After some more assists she didn't need any drugs at all.

Legal drugs that have been proven to be dangerous and to cause harm but are still on the market because the drug manufacturer makes billions from them: We are opposed to these. We don't take them. Examples of this sort of drug: Psychiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine.

Other miscellaneous drugs such as alcohol, caffeine, tobacco, etc.: Some drugs can get in the way of Scientology Auditing. For example, you can't get auditing within 24 hours of drinking alcohol because it has been found that it will interfere with your spiritual progress. Same goes for some other drugs such as aspirin. So there is no restriction on you having a beer, just that you can't get auditing for 24 hours afterwards.

I've never seen anything regarding most other "minor" drugs such as caffeine or tobacco, it's personal choice.

My own personal preference is to stay away from any kind of drug as much as possible. If I have a physical problem then I'll first try something natural, if it doesn't work then I'll try something stronger, but I'll try to apply the Scientology principle of gradients. E.g., If I had a nasty systemic virus such as Chronic EBV, then maybe I'd start with dioxychlor, if it didn't handle it I'd move on to something stronger and more medical like doxycycline and if that didn't work then acyclovir (BTW: that's an actual example I know of). Of course, all this would be done under the guidance of a competent practitioner, the Church would not be involved in this sort of medical treatment in any way.

I hope that answers your question.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Church of Scientology Washington D.C.

The new Church building in DC was opened last weekend and here is a short video of the ribbon cutting taken be one of the people there:

Monday, November 02, 2009

Recent Allegations

A couple of unreliable yet noisy media outlets have recently publicised allegations made by a former Scientologist against the leader of our religion, David Miscavige.

If you read these allegations and are wondering about their accuracy then you should read this: Mark "Marty" Rathbun.

If you wonder about the reliability of ex-members and what they have to say about their former religion (and this doesn't just apply to Scientology - witness the havoc caused by ex-members of Opus Dei and how Dan Brown used their outrageous allegations in his book, "The Da Vinci Code") then you should read what sociologists have to say about these "apostates":

- The Reliability of Apostate Testimony About New Religious Movements
- Apostates and New Religious Movements

A telling paragraph from the second article:
Neither the objective sociological researcher nor the court of law can readily regard the apostate as a creditable or reliable source of evidence. He must always be seen as one whose personal history predisposes him to bias with respect to both his previous religious commitment and affiliations, the suspicion must arise that he acts from a personal motivation to vindicate himself and to regain his self-esteem, by showing himself to have been first a victim but subsequently to have become a redeemed crusader. As various instances have indicated, he is likely to be suggestible and ready to enlarge or embellish his grievances to satisfy that species of journalist whose interest is more in sensational copy than in a objective statement of the truth.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Another (anonymous) one bites the dust

Although I feel sorry for a guy who is most likely a pawn in the criminal hand of Anonymous, he still broke the law and now has to face the consequences:

Federal Crime Charges against Anonymous

Anonymous member indicted by US State Attorney

On Wednesday, October 28, 2009, a federal Grand Jury in Los Angeles indicted Brian Thomas Mettenbrink, a member of the cyber hate group Anonymous, for his part in the January 2008 attempted destruction of Scientology websites owned by the Church of Scientology.

Mettenbrink, 20, is charged with conspiracy and “transmission of a code, information, program, or command to a protected computer.” The indictment states that he obtained a computer program from an Anonymous website and executed a “DDOS” attack from his dormitory at Iowa State University against Church computers in Los Angeles. A DDOS (distributed denial of service) attack occurs where a large amount of malicious Internet traffic is directed at a website or a set of websites, with the intent to overwhelm and shut down the websites.

Mettenbrink is the second member of Anonymous to face criminal charges relating to this attack. In May 2009, Dmitriy Guzner, then 18, pleaded guilty to computer hacking charges for his role in the attack on Church computers. He is currently awaiting sentencing.

Scientology is a worldwide religious movement with more than 8,000 Churches, Missions and groups in 165 countries. The Church and its members dedicate their time and resources to numerous humanitarian programs that Scientology has become known for around the world, including combating drug abuse, immorality, illiteracy and human rights violations.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Scientology and the Da Vinci Code

The other day, a co-worker who has the subtly and diplomatic skills of a charging rhino (I'll call him Bill), asked another co-worker (Joe) who the woman and child were in the picture on his desk. Joe replied that it was the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus. Bill went on to extract from Joe that Joe was a Catholic. Bill the rhino then asked Joe if he'd read the Da Vinci Code and what he thought about it. Joe (who does have some diplomatic skills) said he hadn't and attempted to move the subject off to something less controversial, but Bill persisted.

Being a mediator at heart, I jumped in and said a couple of things about the book that directed the rhino charge elsewhere and saved Joe from further embarrassment.

Having read a couple of the books referenced in the Da Vinci Code and not having a foot in either camp, I sent Joe a link to an FAQ, that authoritatively and accurately debunks Dan Brown's assertion that "all descriptions of [..]documents, and secret rituals in this novel are accurate" and are based specifically on the fact that "in 1975 Paris' Bibliothèque Nationale discovered parchments, known as Les Dossiers Secrets" which reveal the story of the Priory of Sion. (See The Da Vinci Code Faq.)

As I said, I have read a couple of the books that are referenced in the Da Vinci Code and I must say they make fascinating reading and I can understand how they could have influenced Brown to write his book. They are filled with fascinating speculations and intriguing deductions but they are not filled with much in the way of facts.

I re-read the Da Vinci Code FAQ and was struck by the idea that, in all probability, millions of people now believe that the Priory of Sion exists and that Christ was married-with-kids. And all based on the attempts of an impoverished French would-be aristocrat to ascend to the thrown of France followed by the machinations of a TV producer attempting to improve his ratings by embellishing an already outrageous story.

It's a frightening commentary on how gullible people are. Just because a fiction writer says at the start of his book that something is true doesn't mean it is, but apparently millions of people are willing to just accept it without question.

So what has all this got to do with Scientology? Well, if you are foolish enough to start hunting around the Internet for web-sites about Scientology you will find many that say extremely alarming, damaging and downright nasty things about Scientology and the Church of Scientology and, like Dan Brown in his opening note to the Da Vinci Code, they will assert that what they are saying are "facts".

Of course I can simply tell you, "It's a pack of lies" and then you can say, "So how can I tell if your blog isn't just a pack of lies also?" And the answer is that, without further research, you can't.

So, here is what I suggest:
  • If you are not interested in further research then please don't believe any of it. Don't believe the detractors and don't believe me. Just stay completely neutral on the subject. Allow Scientologists the same rights as anyone else when it comes to what they believe and what religion they wish to practice (See: Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
  • If you are willing to do some further research then buy a basic book on the subject (such as Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health or Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought), read it and then use the practical methods the book gives you to improve your life or the lives of others. At that point you will be able to evaluate for yourself if the subject is valid or not.
  • Another thing you can do is go to a Church of Scientology (Scientology Church Locator) for a free introductory lecture or a low priced introductory service. That way you get to see what the subject is, use the practical methods of the subject to see if they work and meet real-life Scientologists so you can observe people who use the subject daily in their lives. Then you can make up your own mind based on personal, first-hand experience.
Is it a deal?


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Scientology in France - Some Facts

At last some facts about the case in France:

Church Of Scientology Defeats Attempt To Curtail Freedom To Practice The Religion In France

Here is the article for those who don't want to click the link (I've highlighted some interesting bits):

The Paris Correctional Court has rejected the recommendations of prosecutors in a case against a Paris Scientology Church, a Scientology bookstore and six individual Church members. The Court cited the absence of any complainants coming forward despite the intense media surrounding the trial and that the defendants had acted out of sincere religious conviction as reasons for refusing the draconian sanctions sought by the government. The Court imposed no restrictions on the Church’s activities.

Throughout the month-long trial held in May and June 2009, the Church decried the case as a heresy trial and an example of the discriminatory treatment to which new religious movements are treated in France—treatment that has been condemned by international human rights bodies. In its annual International Religious Freedom Report issued on October 26, 2009 the United States State Department said that “discriminatory treatment” of Scientologists in France “remained a concern.”

The case arose out of the five-month participation in Scientology religious practices in 1998 by the main civil party. This included studying Scientology Scriptures and receiving spiritual counseling. The donations made by the plaintiffs were returned to them in full well before any case was heard. In 2006, the prosecutor recommended the case be dismissed because there was no evidence of any wrongdoing and because all donations had been returned.

Instead, the court succumbed to pressure from anti-religious extremists in government and turned it into a heresy trial in violation of the rights of the Scientologists under French law and under the European Convention on Human Rights.

This is in marked contrast to the treatment of Scientology in other countries where Scientology is formally recognized as a religion. The European Court of Human Rights has on two recent occasions found that Churches of Scientology in Russia are entitled to the protection of religious freedom guaranteed by Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Today’s decision means that Scientologists remain free to practice their religion in France, despite the best efforts to the contrary by anti-religious extremists. While the fines and suspended sentences issued by the Court will be appealed, they will have no effect on Church activities and the rapid expansion the Church is experiencing will continue.

The Church of Scientology has grown from one Church in 1954 to more than 8,000 Churches, Missions and groups in 165 countries today. The Church sponsors an international human rights education initiative as well as the world’s largest non-governmental drug education program. Four new Churches have opened in 2009, most recently the Church of Scientology of Rome on October 24, with a new Church opening in Washington, DC, on October 31. In April, three new Churches were dedicated: in Malmo, Sweden; Dallas, Texas; and Nashville, Tennessee. The Scientology religion has expanded more in the past year than in the past five years combined and more in the past five years than in the past five decades combined.

Scientology In France

Here is the "Official statement of the Church of Scientology" in France regarding the recent court decision that you may have heard about in the media.

If you can read French then the original is here: Pour le tribunal, la Scientologie doit continuer ses activités

Here is a translation that I ran through Babel Fish. Not the best English, but understandable:

For the court, Scientology must continue its activities

First of all, and it is perhaps most important, the Court recognized today that the Church of Scientology was to continue its religious activities in France.

It could not escape the reality which there exists a broad community of happy Scientologists to practice their religion. It also noted that in spite of the extraordinary media pressure around this lawsuit, no new complaint had been deposited in 10 months since the beginning of the lawsuit.

The UNADFI was declared inadmissible once again as a civil part, which proves again that it does not have any legitimacy to be involved in the businesses concerning the religious minorities, and that the million subsidies which it received from the State are not enough to make it credible in front of Justice.

Concurrently to that, the Church denounces a lawsuit in heresy, an enquiry of modern times and this since the beginning. The judgments pronounced in total contradiction with the requisitions of withdrawal of case of origin are the result of carefully orchestrated political pressures which seem to have weighed on the court.

“We will not give up. The religion of Scientology develops more than ever and its recognition in France is inescapable, as in the other countries. We believe that nobody has the right to say to the French what they must think and what they must believe as regards religion”, declares the spokesperson of the Church Celebrity Centre.

We support the French Constitution and the European Convention of the Human rights, whereas the campaigns of Georges Fenech and Miviludes are criticized within certain international organizations because of the threat which they carry against freedom of worship. The international report/ratio of the American State Department on the religious liberty which has just left recalls once again that “the discriminatory treatment towards the Witnesses of Jéhovah and the Scientologists continues to lend to concern”.

The Church of Scientology was founded in 1954. Today there exists more than 8000 Churches of Scientology, missions and groups in 165 countries. The Church sponsored the most important initiative of education to the human rights in the world as well as the greatest nongovernmental programme of prevention against drug.

The Scientology makes great strides without precedent, with a more significant development during the last twelve months than during the five previous years, that the five last years being higher than the 50 previous years combined.

Last weekend, the inauguration of the new Church of Scientology of Rome gathered 6000 people. The next week, the Church of Scientology of Washington DC will settle in its new buildings in the middle of the city.


Oh, no. Despite the best laid plans of mice, the Church of Scientology continues to expand at an exponential rate. Too bad :)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Scientology is here to stay

While Martin Bashir and the French government are busy attacking Scientology, the religion continues to grow at an exponential rate.

One could look at the timing of the most recent attacks from the SP Times and Nightline and be surprised that they both occurred during major international Scientology gatherings and celebrations (one in June and one in October) when the Church staff members who would normally be handling such media machinations are at their most busy. One could perhaps get the idea that these attacks were carefully timed and coordinated. But the joke is that these attacks merely shove the subject into the public eye and cause more people to become interested and want to find out about Scientology.

It's a phenomenon that I've noticed since I got into Scientology over 30 years ago. I recall an incident in England when a TV station broadcast a standard hatchet job and for the following month the Churches in the UK were inundated with new people wanting to find out more.

You have to wonder at people who attack a religion which runs the biggest non-governmental anti-drug campaign in the world. Who are the attackers working for? Drug companies? Drug cartels?

You have to wonder at people who attack a religion which runs the biggest human rights educational campaign in the world. Who are the attackers working for? Oppressive governments? Corrupt governments?

You have to wonder at people who attack a religion which runs the biggest moral standards campaign in the world. Who are the attackers working for? Organized Crime? Anonymous?

You have to wonder at people who attack a religion which runs the biggest non-governmental volunteer disaster and emergency services organization in the world. Who are the attackers working for? Arms dealers? Media Moguls?

It's hard to fathom the depths of depravity you'd have to reach to attack such a religion, but unfortunately there are people who have descended to those depths who do just that. Some of them work for the SP Time and Nightline and the French government. But don't worry. Deep down in the cinder block they have in place of a soul, even they know that they are attacking the good guys, and they will eventually do something to stop themselves.

Actually I feel sorry for them. Can you imagine having to live with someone like that? Well they have to live with someone like that 24/7 - themselves.

So, despite the cockroaches getting under our feet, Scientology is expanding at an unprecedented rate, and that expansion will continue. So, just in case anyone reading this is from any of the groups listed above (you know, the drug cartels, the corrupt governments, etc.), I'm sorry to have to burst your bubble, but you may as well give up now, because Scientology is here to stay.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Scientology Wedding Details

Well, I had thought of writing a sort of blow-by-blow, running commentary so you could see the exact steps of the wedding of my friends, but after a few paragraphs I realized it was kinda boring.

You see other than the actual words of the ceremony a Scientology wedding is pretty much the same as any other wedding. If the bride and groom want it to be formal and have a lot of pomp and circumstance then it will be formal with a lot of pomp and circumstance. If they want it to be informal and casual then that's how it will be.

The atmosphere of my friends' wedding was informal. There was a bride, a groom, a matron of honor, a best man, a minister, family, friends, a photographer, a sister with a video camera, a little boy as the ring bearer, a little girl as the ... not sure of the name, but she scattered flower petals before the bride as she walked down the aisle.

At the end of the ceremony the bride and groom kissed. The bride threw the bouquet for the unmarried girls to catch, the groom threw the garter for the unmarried guys to catch. There was a reception with food and music afterwards.

It was pretty much like a million other weddings that take place in the US every year.

Sorry I couldn't be more controversial.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Scientology Wedding

Today two of my good friends are getting married and it was me that introduced them. I don't usually go in for matchmaking but these two just seemed really suited for each other so I thought I'd give it a try. Looks like I got it right :)

There was a lot of hoopla a couple years back when Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married and a lot of mis-information about how we Scientologists go about getting married. The ceremony is simple and (I think) intimate. The words are aimed at creating a shared agreement about the future together and the realities of married life. My favorite of the alternative wordings also has quite a bit of gentle humor in it and is very poetic. Others prefer the more traditional sort of wording, but that's just me.

My two friends are not celebrities, but they will be having a similar ceremony (although not in a location as fancy) as the Cruise's wedding. I wish them every happiness.

For more info you can check out these links:
- Scientology Wedding Service
- Marriage Solutions
- FAQ: What is a Scientology Wedding Ceremony?
- Scientology Wedding

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mental Health Declaration of Human Rights

These are important rights. Watch the video and realize that everyone, no matter their mental state, needs these rights.

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Real Learning and Education

This video gives you an overview of the impact and successes of the most effective method of study in existence.  I have used "Study Technology" (which is described in the video) personally to keep myself ahead in a constantly changing field (software development).  Without study technology I'd have been antiquated years ago.

Watch this video, find out more and become a success in your life and career.  If you have kids then this will help ensure they will get a great education.

Meet a Scientologist: Astra, Dancer

Monday, September 28, 2009

Scientology Books - Cost

Sophie said (regarding this post Scientology Materials Guide Chart):
Well in order to buy not even half the materials, here is what my bill came out to be so far: $2,040.00

How come I can read all of the famous writings such as the bible for free in a church but i have to spend up to 2,000 bucks just to get some of the beginning books in Scientology?

Hey Sophie,

Thanks for the question.

First of all, the materials on the Materials Guide Chart are not just the beginning books of Scientology. They are ALL the books and lectures and they range from beginning books to advanced technical books and lectures.

Only someone who is intending to thoroughly study all of Scientology would be buying that much.

I think your confusion could come from the fact that these materials are called "The Basics" but in this case that does not mean "beginning" it means the foundations or fundamentals of the subject. The Basics are all the books and lectures and that is a huge body of knowledge.

Beginning Scientology Books For Free

If you want to read all the beginning books of Scientology, you can do so for free by going to your local library. The Church has been involved in a campaign for a couple of years now to get these books into all libraries throughout the world. I don't know where you live, but I believe that all libraries in Western Europe and North America now have these books.

Also if you wanted to go into a Scientology Church and read the beginning books in the Church library then I don't think anyone would complain.

Cost of getting a basic idea

If you want to get a basic idea of what Scientology is and you want to buy the books rather than go to the library then you can get Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought for $15 or Scientology: A New Slant on Life for $15. These are brand new editions that have very extensive glossaries, special fonts to make them easier to read, and more.

Checking on Amazon, I see that a new Christian Bible ranges from $9.99 to $26.39, a new Koran goes from $5.59 to $54.50 so I'd say the prices are comparable. (I didn't include Kindle editions.)

Cost of all the beginning books

Now if you want to buy all of the beginning books then there are seven of them and they cost $15 each, which comes to $105. These books don't just tell you about the philosophy of Scientology, they also give you practical things you can do to improve your life and the lives of those around you right here and now.

There is also a beginning book package that contains 7 paperback books, 2 workbooks, 7 audio books (unabridged = 34 CDs) and that comes to $250, which is just under $36 for each book and audio book combination - pretty reasonable for audio books.

You can see all the beginning books and audio books here: Scientology Beginning Books and Audio Books

Cost of the "Basics"

If you intend to study the entirety of Scientology: every book and every lecture ever made, then we are talking millions and millions of printed and spoken words, so obviously it is going to cost a lot more than for seven beginning books.

However, the library project has been putting these materials into libraries too so you can probably find them there also.

Did that answer your question?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Scientology Auditing versus Secular Therapy

Sophie said:

How is Auditing different from seeing a therapist and talking about your feelings and working on them and what not? Therapists usually don't prescribe drugs so how is it different?

That is an excellent question.

Unless you have a good understanding of what auditing is then you may not see much difference between Scientology Auditing and secular therapy. In fact the differences are so many and so great that a book could be written on the subject.

But to save you from a huge discussion, I'll try to keep it short and to the point.

The End Product

Here is an example of a typical secular therapy session: Typical Therapy Session. As you can see the end product and how long it takes to achieve is described like this:
On average, clients stay in therapy for one year. Some feel better much sooner, and some continue for much longer. The length of time it will take for you to feel better varies depending on your temperament and the particular issues you bring forward.
So "feeling better" is the end product and it take about a year to achieve.

When a person begins with Scientology Auditing often the first thing they do is a specific set of actions called "Life Repair" which are aimed at handling the upsets and difficulties the person is encountering in their current life. On average it takes 25 hours of auditing and at the end of that time the person's current life issues will be handled. They won't just "feel better" they will feel great and the things that were bothering them won't be bothering them anymore.

So that's the lowest, simplest, beginning form of Scientology Auditing and in a few days you will have not only reached, but completely surpassed the "feeling better" of secular therapy.

If you go to this link: Scientology Bridge you will see a full list of the abilities that you gain from the Scientology Auditing that comes after Life Repair.

Here are a few examples of what you get from Scientology Auditing:
- Ability to freely communicate with anyone on any subject.
- Ability to recognize the source of problems and make them vanish.
- Relief from the hostilities and sufferings of life.
- Freedom from the upsets of the past and ability to face the future.
- Moving out of fixed conditions into ability to do new things.
- Freedom from cruel impulses and chronic unwanted condition.

And there's plenty more. These end products far surpass anything there is in secular therapy.

The Precision

Another big difference is that Scientology Auditing is made up of very specific actions that have been tested and honed thoroughly over the years until they get a specific named result every time. The person delivering these actions to an individual is called an Auditor and he or she is very thoroughly trained so they do it right every time.

The actions an Auditor delivers are called "processes" and they range from very simple (such as "Remember something real" - it assists memory) to very complex (such as 12 questions/directions given in a very specific order with many internal variations possible) but each and every one is precise and has a carefully defined end product.

There is nothing comparable in secular therapy

What's wrong with you is ...

In Auditing the Auditor NEVER EVER tells a person what to think about what they just came up with, NEVER EVER tells them what is wrong with them, NEVER EVER makes disparaging remarks about what they did or didn't do or say and NEVER EVER interprets what the person says or feels. That is very different to secular therapy such as psychoanalysis where the analyst reads sexual significance into the person's statements and interprets his condition for him.

In Auditing the person comes to their own conclusions and realizations. To have a conclusion forced upon you is worse than useless and can actually be very detrimental, so it is forbidden in Scientology Auditing.

We actually have a code of conduct called the Scientology Auditor's Code, which all Auditors follow.

The Biggest Difference of All

The biggest difference that I see between Scientology Auditing and secular therapy is that Auditing is based on the idea that you are a spiritual being with enormous potential abilities which, although not currently realized, can be achieved.

Secular therapy is usually based on the idea that a human being is just an animal and is limited by genetics. So "feeling better" is the highest goal because you are just a body and that's the best you can do with a body. Spiritual freedom and spiritual ability are foreign concepts to the secular therapist.

Other References

- Scientology Auditing: Comparison to Earlier Therapies
- All About Scientology Auditing
- A Description Of Scientology Auditing
- What Is Auditing?

Well, Sophie, has that answered your question?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Scientology and Homosexuality

mikeytriumphs asked:

My question is this: I have been interested in Scientology for several years, but cannot bring myself to visit a Church or start a course. I am gay, and I have heard that Scientology places gay people very low on the tone scale, and says we're (like most churches do) bad or immoral people. I just don't agree with this.

Will Scientology services try and change me? Can I be both gay and a Scientologist? What exactly does the Church say about this issue?

The only policy that the Church applies regarding the area of sexual relationships is called "Second Dynamic Rules" - The Second Dynamic is a term we use to describe the area of life covering sex, family and children.

The policy was written by L. Ron Hubbard and begins with: "It has never been any part of my plans to regulate or attempt to regulate the private lives of individuals."

It's a two page policy so I won't quote the whole thing, but bottom line is that the Church stays out of it, but if an individual has their progress in Scientology impeded because of a husband's, wife's or other's activities in that area then the person affected can ask for a "Chaplain's Court" where a minister arbitrates between the two parties and if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant did impede the other person's progress then there are penalties.

The only example of this I know of was where a husband had an affair that so upset his wife that her spiritual counseling was seriously affected and he had to make restitution to her.

I hope that answers you questions.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The guy who leads the Church of Scientology

So with all the great things I've been talking about over the last couple of days the obvious question is: Who is behind all this expansion?

The answer is Mr. David Miscavige. He has been the leader of the Church since the 1980s and has taken it into the greatest period of expansion it has ever seen.

You can read more about him below.

David Miscavige And The Scientology Renaissance
David Miscavige: The Peacemaker
David Miscavige: International News
David Miscavige Biographies and Articles
Mr. David Miscavige
David Miscavige Opening Speechs
A Most Special Guest, Mr. David Miscavige

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Scientology: Social Betterment Campaigns

I've been talking a lot about the huge expansion of Scientology and perhaps if you are not a Scientologist you are thinking, "Big deal, so the Church is expanding, so what?"

Well, believe it or not, all this expansion benefits you too. The Church and its members sponsor many social betterment campaigns which help improve life for everyone, not just Scientologists.

For example,
These programs benefit all of mankind, not just members of the Scientology religion. As the Church of Scientology expands, so do these programs and so do the benefits felt by all.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ideal Churches of Scientology

It's not an easy thing to meet the world wide demand for Scientology, but in 2004 David Miscavige came up with a way to do it.

It is called the Ideal Orgs Strategy and the idea behind it is to transform all existing Churches of Scientology into Ideal Churches of Scientology. So what does Ideal mean?

Here is a quote from L. Ron Hubbard that gives you an idea:
You are creating an island of friendliness, decency and succor in the sea of a violent world.... Sometime in the future the islands will become the sea.

A more formal definition would be: An Ideal Org (for “organization”) is a Church configured to provide the full services of the Scientology religion to its parishioners and to the community.

You can read more about it here: Meeting the Global Demand for the Scientology Religion

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

More Scientology Expansion in Florida

Yesterday I wrote about the Fort Harrison hotel, today I'm writing about the building right next door to it, which is called the "Scientology Mecca" because it represents the spiritual center of the religion.
This beautiful building will be delivering some of the most advanced and spiritually beneficial services that exist in Scientology. When the renovations on the Fort Harrison were completed, the final phase of construction began on the Scientology Mecca. You can read more here: Planned to Perfection: Scientology Mecca Enters Final Construction Phase.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Scientology Expansion: The Fort Harrison

The Church of Scientology's spiritual headquarters is the "Flag Land Base" in the Florida city of Clearwater. The HQ used to be on a ship, but moved to Clearwater in 1975, hence the name "Flag Land Base".

Clearwater is a beautiful city, with one of the best beaches in the world, so its a great place to visit or to live in. Thousands of Scientologist live here and thousands more visit every year to avail themselves of the services offered at Flag.

Not surprisingly the Church is the largest property tax contributor on the tax rolls of downtown Clearwater. And also not surprisingly is very active in maintaining and improving its properties.

Just this March the renovations of the Fort Harrison hotel, a cultural landmark purchased by the Church in 1975, were completed and the building reopened. The work done to beautify the FH was just a typical example of what the Church and its members are doing all over the world to new Church buildings that are being purchased as part of the enormous expansion Scientology is experiencing.

You can read more about it here: Fort Harrison Grand Re-opening

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Scientology Expansion since 2004

Wow! I knew Scientology was expanding but I had no idea of the magnitude.

For example: 60 million books and lectures distributed in the past two years—more than the combined total in the first 50 years of Dianetics and Scientology.

That's amazing.

Or: Church premises increased from 5.6 million square feet to more than 11 million square feet since 2004

Or: 2.4 million L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics and Scientology books placed in 97,997 libraries in 155 countries since July 2007.

And that's just a small taste. For a longer list check out: The True Face of Scientology: Unparalleled Growth Since 2004

Monday, August 10, 2009

Psychiatic Drug Side Effect Search Engine

If you shop on Amazon or many other online sites you will be able to read reviews of a product before you purchase. These reviews are usually written by other consumers like yourself who have bought and used the product. Their comments give you information you can use to make an informed decision.

So where do you go to get the same type of reviews for prescription drugs?

The commercials or magazine ads were written by the drug company. They are selling the drug so they will paint the rosiest possible picture. Articles about the drugs on news sites are suspect because of the huge clout drug companies have due to their enormous advertising budgets. (You aren't going to say nasty things about one of your biggest advertisers.)

You could go to the FDA website and hunt around for data but that's not necessarily easy to do.

Until now it's been tough for consumers to get the facts on prescription drugs, but not anymore. Now you can check out the facts about psychiatric drugs by going to the Psychiatric Drug Side Effect Search Engine, an easy-to-use website that will tell you the other side of the story.

When you go to the site check out the two videos linked to in the top left corner of the page. They tell you what the search engine is and how to use it.

Don't be fooled by the marketing, the glossy ads and the drug company funded research. Get the facts.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Answer to Jim regarding Psychiatry and Scientology

Jim Gatos said:


I saw this article;

thought I'd bring it here.

I'm curious, what's the "connection" with Scientology and Psychiatry?"


Hey Jim,

The only "connection" is that we in Scientology are opposed to the abuses in Psychiatry.

The article you link to is typical of these abuses. Psychiatry and its main sponsor, the Pharmaceutical Industry, need to expand their profit base so Big Pharma finds some willing psychiatrists, hands them a study they can put their names to and the results are published.

The questions to ask before falling for the marketing propaganda in an article such as this are:

1. What are the financial ties between the researchers and the pharmaceutical industry?
2. What actual physical tests were carried out to determine that these 3 year old kids have "depression"?
3. If no physical tests were carried out then how can anyone possibly assert that these kids have "depression"?
4. Do physical tests actually exist to show that someone has "depression"?
5. If not then how come so much money is being made from the widespread prescription of drugs that address a "disease" that cannot be proven to exist.
6. What treatment is recommended for toddler depression? What are the side-effects?
7. What are the long-term effects of giving psychiatric drugs to toddlers?

(The most common side-effect of psychiatric drugs in toddlers, according to the FDA's adverse reactions database, is death.)

By-the-way, I don't say that the set of symptoms that have been labeled as "depression" don't exist. What I say is that they are a set of symptoms for which the underlying condition has not been accurately diagnosed.

Many real, treatable diseases can cause the symptoms that are labeled "depression". Here is an example from the CDC web site: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Symptoms.

The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry
Psychiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine
Video: Where the Truth Lies
Video: What Consumer, doctors and pharmacists say about Psychiatric Drugs
Video: How to use the Psychiatric Drug Side Effects Search Engine

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Some Questions about Scientology

Luca said:

I like your honest answers. It's indeed so difficult to discuss religion in civilized manner that I really hope you can answer me on some points.

1) I see lots of talk about "salvation of man" in scientology. Salvation from what?
2) Most religions believe that God revealed to some chosen man about his existence, his name, his plans etc. Apparently Hubbard never claimed that God revealed anything to him but he rather speaks of "discoveries". Is this right? Why your God does not reveal his religion to "prophets"?
3) If salvation comes only from becoming scientologists, what happened to people before scientology? If one can be saved without becoming scientologists, then why should one choose to become one?
4) Sometimes I see written that scientology is compatible with other religions. Is that right? If is right, how comes no monotheist religion believes in reincarnation? How can the Bible or Qu'ran pass over this crucial fact unless they are false and/or misleading?

Many thanks for your attention.


Hey Luca,

Those are really good questions. I'll do my best to give good answers.

1) I've seen the word "salvation" used now and then in Scientology but not often. The basic idea of salvation is "the saving of somebody or something from harm, destruction, difficulty, or failure" (Encarta Dictionary). In the online Scientology Catechism, you will find this:
The Scientology religion offers practical tools one can use to better oneself and others. Some religions offer salvation in the hereafter, while Scientology offers certainty of eternal salvation now. (from the question: In what way does Scientology differ from other religions?)
In this sense the "from what?" is relief from the troubles and sufferings of existence. In Scientology we have practical tools that a person can use to improve their life in the here and now. Part of this is that you can gain a personal reality on your spiritual immortality through Scientology Auditing. (I know that I have.)

So you can see that the definition of "salvation" we are using in Scientology is different to the Christian definition of salvation which is "deliverance from sin through Jesus Christ." Scientology is not offering that sort of salvation and is not in competition with it.

2) You are correct that L. Ron Hubbard has never claimed to be anything more than a man who was curious about what made humanity tick, investigated it and shared what he found. (See: The True Story of Scientology - the full article is split into short pages, so make sure you keep clicking the "next" button till you get to the end.)

Early on in his investigations he divided life up into eight areas so it could be better understood. The article The Dynamics describes these areas. At that time he decided that the eighth area, called the "God Dynamic" should be left up to the individual and that Scientology would not intrude into that area. So Scientology stops at the seventh area, called the "Spiritual Dynamic".

Personally, I think this was a good idea. There are so many different ideas about what God is or isn't and so many claims about what is the correct belief to have and what is heresy and there has been so much conflict over the centuries that I think it is best to stay out of that zone and leave it up to personal conviction.

The best description of Scientology's viewpoint on God is covered in this article: Scientology and God. From that page I think you will understand why no assertions have been made of divine revelation in the development of Scientology.

(BTW: that entire web site (Scientology: Theology and Practice of a Contemporary Religion) is a great reference that will answer many, many questions not only about Scientology but also about how it relates to other religions.)

3) What we say in Scientology is that it is a workable route out of the sufferings and travails of life. We don't say it is the only possible route.

My own viewpoint is that I have found a workable route to personal spiritual improvement and so I'm following it. The results I've gotten so far have been phenomenal so I'm quite happy to continue to follow it. I definitely recommend it to others, and I think that with just a small investment of time anyone can see if it is going to be a workable route for them or not.

You ask: Why should one choose to become a Scientologist? My answer is "because it will help you to handle those things in your life that cause you upset and suffering then it will help you increase your abilities to levels you never thought possible and you can prove to yourself that it works with just a small investment of time and effort."

4) In Scientology there is no "conversion". A person can be a Scientologist and a member of any other religion. We don't insist they drop or renounce their other beliefs.

Beliefs in such things as past-lives are not dogma is Scientology. As an individual becomes more spiritually aware he or she gains personal reality on their present and past. No one insists that a person recalls a past life and if they do then no one insists that it is real. Whether the individual wants to accept it as fact or as a delusion is entirely up to them. All we care about is that their lives improve and they become more spiritually aware.

The tools we have in Scientology don't require belief in order to work.

Regarding the holy books of other religions. It is impossible to get everything about existence into one or two brief volumes. The Bible doesn't mention sub-atomic particles, yet they exist. The Qur'an doesn't mention other galaxies yet they exist. Neither of these omissions make those great works less than they are.

I hope I've answered your questions to your satisfaction, if not just ask me some more.

Psychiatrist hid records in Virginia Tech shooting

The missing mental health records of Virginia Tech shooter Seung-Hui Cho just turned up ... in the home of the psychiatrist who was treating him.

In 2007, Dr. Robert C. Miller claimed that he didn't know where these records were but they were recently found in his home, during a document discovery phase of a pending trial.

Parents of some of the victims of the shooting are smelling a cover-up.

To see the full details of this and more revelations in the case read: Virginia Tech Shooter's Psych Doctor Hid Mental Health Records for Seung-Hui Cho

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Oops - Human Rights Day

Darn! I missed Bloggers Unite for Human Rights 2009. I have plenty of excuses, but I'll not insult you with them. Instead I'll just link to some great videos on Human Rights:

Making Human Rights A Fact
United: Music Video Promoting Human Rights
No Slavery
No Torture
Freedom of Thought
Freedom of Expression

Many More: Scientology Videos (scroll down to the Human Rights section)

Monday, June 22, 2009

What is Greatness?

One of my favorite quotes from L. Ron Hubbard is the short article "What is Greatness?".

It starts out with:

The hardest task one can have is to continue
to love his fellows despite all reasons he
should not. And the true sign of sanity and
greatness is to so continue. For the one who
can achieve this, there is abundant hope.
For those who cannot, there is only sorrow,
hatred and despair. And these are not the
things of which greatness or sanity or
happiness are made.

It is indeed the hardest task. When those you trusted have betrayed you. When those you counted as friends are dragging your good name through the mud. At times like that it becomes very hard to still love your fellow man, but it can be done.

Here is the full quote: What is Greatness?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Past Lives - Easy to Prove

The fact that one has lived before this life becomes very clear after a person has had Scientology Auditing. How long it takes a person to recall some past-life experience varies depending on the individual. Of course, no one insists that a person recalls a previous existence, it just happens as part of increasing ones spiritual awareness.

Because the idea of having lived before has been suppressed in the western world for thousands of years, when people a past life they will usually shy away from the memory or think it is from a movie or something they dreamed up from a book they read. But despite this. it is possible to recall past-lives without auditing, and there have been numerous such cases in the past (such as the Bridey Murphy case). Where the idea hasn't been suppressed for so long, reincarnation is a common idea. For example, it is part of most eastern religions.

So when a young boy in the USA starts to remember his life and death as a pilot during WWII, it doesn't really surprise me, but perhaps it will be of interest to you. Here is the video:

Here is the link if the embedded player doesn't work: 11 year-old Boy Reincarnated

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

If you are reading this then you are mentally ill

Well according to psychiatrists you are.

Believe it or not, psychiatrists are planning to add a new disease to the next edition of their "Bible", the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM V) and that disease is ... "Internet addiction".

What this means is that you are sick and need psychiatric drugs. So get out your wallet or your medical insurance and prepare to cough up dough so they can medicate you for the rest of your life.

Here is the full story: If you're reading this you're "sick, sick, sick"

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Scientology In France

Scientology Churches in France are very active in their communities, especially in the field of drug abuse. Here is an article on just that subject:

Scientology Churches in France Against Drug Abuse and Addiction

Monday, June 01, 2009

17th Annual Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters Conference

Disasters occur and there are far more disaster response organizations who pitch in to help than we hear about in the media.

Many of these organizations are part of VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disasters) and last week was their 17th annual conference in which Churches of Scientology Disaster Response participated. Read all about it here:

Churches of Scientology Disaster Response Participates in the 2009 Annual National VOAD Conference

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bringing the message of Human Rights to the World

Human Rights are what protect us from tyranny and oppression. But to have those rights and to benefit from them we must first know what they are and then insist that they are followed. Scientologist Mary Shuttleworth travels the world doing just that. Here is an interview with her:

Scientology Member Brings Message of Human Rights to the World

Saturday, May 30, 2009

APA President shown to be a liar

An interesting video that takes what the president of the American Psychiatric Association says about mental illness and compares it to what her own APA members have to say:

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Humorous Quote

You may know how poor psychiatrists are at predicting behavior. They have a long history of predicting someone is not dangerous, only to have him go out shortly afterward and commit murder. (John Hinkley is one example. Also see: Eroding Justice: Psychiatry's Corruption of Law)

In fact, predicting human behavior is relatively easy. Just read the book Science of Survival and you'll know an infinite amount more than any psych.

Which brings me to this quote from L. Ron Hubbard:

We expect the fundamentals of behavior
to be complicated simply because
so many highly complicated people
have discussed the subject

How very true!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How pathetic is Anonymous?

I just came across an article that demonstrates the criminality and twistedness of "Anonymous". The article is about how they hacked the "Most influential person" online poll.

They built auto-voting programs and modified them as the people changed the poll in an attempt to stop the hacking. Eventually when Time added a feature that stopped the auto-voting the nut-jobs of Anonymous started voting by hand. To keep the manual voters happy the masterminds of this idiocy provided porn to keep the faithful voting.

Here are a couple of quotes from the article: "To further optimize their voting they created a poll front-end that allowed you to enter votes quickly while giving you an update of the poll status (and since it is a 4chan kind of crowd), they also provided the option to stream some porn just to keep you company while you are subverting one of the largest media companies in the world."

And this: "Some of the most hardcore voters (I call them ‘devoters’) spent 40+ hours voting. At their peak, they were casting about 200 votes per minute."

It's rather pathetic if you ask me. It shows you the mentality of these people and how pointless their lives must be. Why not spend 40+ hours doing some volunteer work? There are thousands of worthwhile causes out there. But no, rather than do something to help their fellow man, the pitiful members of Anonymous prefer to mess with a pointless Internet poll.

Read the complete article: moot wins, Time Inc. loses.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Anonymous member faces 10 years jail

Thanks to my blogging pal Casperize, I found out that the first member of Anonymous ever caught has pleaded guilty to felony charges involving a series of January 2008 Distributed Denial of Service attacks on the official websites of the Church of Scientology.

You can read the full story here: Not so anonymous Dmitriy Guzner faces 10 years in prison

Here is an extract:
19-year old Dmitriy Guzner has pleaded guilty to felony charges involving a series of January 2008 Distributed Denial of Service attacks on the official websites of the Church of Scientology.

Guzner is part of the Internet hacking group Anonymous, which targets groups and individuals just for the sake of fun. This is the first time a member of Anonymous has been convicted on computer hacking charges.

Anonymous started harassing the Church of Scientology last year, not only attacking their websites, but waging real life demonstrations and stunts on the religious group.

Other victims of Anonymous have notably included Florida Republican Nancy Detert and Republican Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

New Jersey native Guzner faces 10 years in prison and is set to be sentenced on Aug. 24 in U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

Sources: United States Attorney, Central District of California and