Saturday, June 25, 2011

Criminal conduct by Eli Lilly costs them 1.42 Billion

Here is a report on the criminal conduct of Eli Lilly and how much it is costing them. But why aren't we seeing the people who did it prosecuted and thrown in jail? Well, let's hope someone in authority decides soon that it's time to put these criminals behind bars.

Monday, June 06, 2011


Criminon is a criminal rehabilitation organization sponsored by the Church of Scientology. It is the most effective criminal rehabilitation program in existence with an 80% success rate - that means 80% of Criminon graduates DON'T end up back in prison.

Here is a short video introduction:

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Format Change

I hope the blog's format change is to your liking. The old format was okay but a little dark and too thin for the average video. To post a video I had to modify the width and height so it fit into the skinny left hand column. With the new format all that is ancient history and the default width for YouTube videos is no problem.

So, come, read, enjoy. And if you have any suggestions for improving the format even more then just add a comment.