Tuesday, June 01, 2010

More Questions from a Nurse (4)

Taylor asked a number of questions here: More Questions from a Nurse. Here are more answers:

9. Who/what is your primary source of information about your health?
This answer has nothing to do with Scientology. My answer reflects my personal choices.

My wife and I have read widely in this field attempting to discover what diet and other life style choices lead to health. Over the years I have used many sources, tried many different diets and have finally narrowed it down to something that actually works. My primary source is Dr. Joel Fuhrman who bases his recommendations on thousands of scientific studies rather than opinion or a few studies that conform to a personal bias. Since following his methods my health has improved more than ever before. For example, I lost 65lbs in nine months, my energy went way up and my general level of health is the highest it has ever been.

During our quest we also discovered a local clinic that uses physical tests (blood tests, saliva tests, etc.), Functional medicine, Orthomolecular medicine and Naturopathic medicine. Their diagnoses go much deeper than those of a traditional medical doctor and they use both natural and medical solutions as appropriate for solving health issues. I find that actual physical tests interpreted by someone who is well trained are far superior to any other method.

We also use Chiropractic and other natural practitioners when needed.

More tomorrow.

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