Monday, June 20, 2005

News From Australia: Celebrating International Anti-Drug Day 2005

I just received this from a friend in Sydney, Australia:

St. Ives Festival on the Green was celebrated with the Drug Free Ambassadors group achieving a milestone in the uphill battle against drug abuse, the scourge of the suburbs and inner cities alike.

The Ambassadors are a drug education initiative of the Church of Scientology and have achieved an amazing of 5,117 sign ups on the drug-free pledge for the year so far.

It's a 7 step pledge that gets youth thinking and acting for a drug-free Australia. And it works.

Sunday they signed up over 300 and the responses were great. The Ethnic Liaison Officer of the local police took fliers in both Chinese and English for her contacts and the Youth Centre in Gordon requested the Ambassadors group come for their barbecue Thursday at the Gordon Student Resource Centre. Rotary was interested in guest speakers and many in the general public and the local teens just wanted to join in the fun and pledge for a drug-free Australia.

The group uses research from humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard that promotes living drug free because "drugs rob life of the joys and sensations that are the only reason for living anyhow" and promotes getting off drugs without the further use of drugs to achieve that.

These events are in celebration of Anti-Drug Day coming up 26th June. For more information on events or anti-drug booklets for info, pledge call the coordinator 9692 7308.

The Church of Scientology of Sydney

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