Monday, August 17, 2009

Scientology Expansion: The Fort Harrison

The Church of Scientology's spiritual headquarters is the "Flag Land Base" in the Florida city of Clearwater. The HQ used to be on a ship, but moved to Clearwater in 1975, hence the name "Flag Land Base".

Clearwater is a beautiful city, with one of the best beaches in the world, so its a great place to visit or to live in. Thousands of Scientologist live here and thousands more visit every year to avail themselves of the services offered at Flag.

Not surprisingly the Church is the largest property tax contributor on the tax rolls of downtown Clearwater. And also not surprisingly is very active in maintaining and improving its properties.

Just this March the renovations of the Fort Harrison hotel, a cultural landmark purchased by the Church in 1975, were completed and the building reopened. The work done to beautify the FH was just a typical example of what the Church and its members are doing all over the world to new Church buildings that are being purchased as part of the enormous expansion Scientology is experiencing.

You can read more about it here: Fort Harrison Grand Re-opening

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