Friday, February 04, 2011

Record Number of New Ideal Scientology Churches Opened in 2010

2010 was an amazing year for Scientology expansion. You can read an article and watch a whole bunch of videos. Go to this page Scientology Opens Record Number of New Churches Around the World in 2010, and below the video you will see a band of pictures. Click any one of the pics and a video of the grand opening of that Church will play.

There are videos of Brussels, Los Angeles, Mexico City and the list just goes on and on. The number of dignatories, government and academic speakers at these grand openings alone is impressive, but the things they have to say are even more so.

Watch the videos and see for yourself that this expansion is not just for the benefit of Scientologists, but is also for the benefit of the cities, states and countries in which these Churches are situated and that it all adds up to benefit for all of mankind, because that's what we Scientologists are all about - making a better world for everyone.

Have a great 2011, I know the Church of Scientology will!

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