Thursday, November 06, 2003

Scientology Logics - Part 3

Logic 3 - Any knowledge which can be sensed, measured or experienced by any entity is capable of influencing that entity.

COROLLARY: That knowledge which cannot be sensed, measured or experienced by any entity or type of entity cannot influence that entity or type of entity.

With Logic 3 we get into the first of the intensely workable rules of logic. The corollary is rather a slap in the face for transcendental philosophy which puts forth the idea that something exists "independent of human experience of phenomena but within the range of knowledge." What I'd like to know is if it exists independent of human experience then how do the transcendentalists know it exists at all? The corollary to Logic 3 demonstrates the irrelevance of transcendentalism.

On a more practical basis let's say I look after the computer system that handles payroll (PR) at a large company. There is going to be an upgrade to the Accounts Receivable (AR) system. Will I need to make any changes to the PR system because of this? An easy way to answer this is to see if the PR system can sense, measure or experience the AR system in any way. Let's say that it cannot. Then the AR system can be changed without any impact on PR.

Now here is an example that impacts anyone living in the USA. When the Patriot Act was passed by Congress, "everyone knew" it was only going to be used to fight terrorism so of course ordinary citizens didn't have to worry about the curtailing of civil rights contained in it. But just yesterday I came across this article: -- News: PATRIOT ACT: Law's use causing concerns. Now you could say, "Well, it was used to catch criminals and I'm not a criminal so I'm okay." But the question you really have to answer is: "Can I sense, measure or experience the powers the Patriot Act gives to government agencies?" And if the answer is "yes" then it really doesn't matter if you are a criminal or an upstanding member of society, the act can be used against you.