Sunday, February 07, 2010

Scientology: How do you show tolerance for other religious faiths if you believe yours is the only true one?

Steph asked: How do you show tolerance for other religious faiths if you believe yours is the only true one?

Tolerance is very important. We don't believe our religion is the "only true one". We believe that it is a workable path to spiritual freedom, but we don't discount the fact that there could be others.

A person can be a Scientologist and a member of another religion. In my years as a Scientologist I have met Scientologists who are also Christian, Jewish, Muslim and Hindu. As long as being in another religion doesn't get in the way of your spiritual advancement then there is no conflict.

My church is a big supporter of human rights and sponsors a human rights educational campaign (Youth for Human Rights and Human Rights ). Freedom of conscience and religion is a basic human right, and in order to allow others to practice this right one must practice tolerance.

On a personal level, I try to never make fun of or denigrate another's beliefs or religious ideas. If I get into a discussion with others about their religion I always validate what they are doing because I feel that having a grounding in the spiritual side of life is very important.


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